Angelina Lourdes
Creative & Educator
Angelina is a Thamizhachi who is passionate about developing and working on purposeful projects that create impact for our community. She does this through her studio, Studio29—a creative content development and consultancy collective specialising in the creation of experiences and platforms, with a focus on interdisciplinary and cultural projects. She is also a part-time educator, lecturing on a variety of design and communication subjects.
T:>Works Team
Artistic Director: Ong Keng Sen
Executive Director: Traslin Ong
Administration: Ong Soo Mei
Communications & Engagement: Chong Si-Min
Interns: Chimene Khoo, Danielle Koh,
Gaiatri Sasithara, Irish Alcantara,
Jeffrey Kang, Sai Lalitha Aiyer &
Toh Cheng Yee
With support from
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